Sunday, January 09, 2005

This is Blogging?

I've been wanting to blog for the longest time, ever since I first ran across one while looking up some stuff on the 'net. I just thought it was so cool for someone to feel free enough to put themself up for anyone and their grandma to see. You know, "share" themself (is "themself" grammatically correct?), express their deepest feelings, rant a little or a lot, talk in code and symbols.

I found out my daughter has a blog. Hers is all cutesy. My friend has one, too, only he thinks in strange metaphors, and his blog is full of that symbol-stuff, so I can't really understand much. Which is appropriate to the name of his blog.

What I'd really like to have is one of those "illustrated blogs, " so I can insert pertinent sketches I've drawn, even though I'm not the best sketcher, or even one of the better ones! Someday I will, when I learn how.

Some people's blogs seem sort of scary to me, others are really entertaining, and I bet I'd like the people who do them. And then there are the blogs that are pure advertising. Hmmm, that's something I might want to look into in the future...

It's raining today. Well, not really raining, more of a persistent sprinkling, but the day's cold and gray and wet. The ski resorts in the area must be doing a booming business, if the roads to get to them are open. I love rainy days, as long as I don't have to drive anywhere, but usually I need to go to work or the store.

I LOVE thunder and lightning, because it's real weather, but we moved into this 102-year-old house a couple of years ago, and that means power failures, and in a house this old, who knows what will blow when the lights come back on?

Also, we have a dog that HATES the rain. Well, she doesn't really hate the rain, she hates having to go outside in it to do her business. Unless it's on a walk, during which she'll happily pee and poop all over everyone else's wet, rainy yards (I carry a pooper-scooper on every walk-- I'm a responsible dog owner). But not her own. I have to trick and coerce and train her into it. Which means carrying something tasty and smelly in my pocket, showing her I have it, and then not letting her eat it until after she does her thing. Then she high-tails it (literally) out of the yard and into the house.

My other dog couldn't care less how wet and cold it is. I don't think she even notices.

I was planning on going to thrift stores today to find a few old suitcases for storing our Christmas decorations (suitcases are great-- hard-sided for stacking, and nothing can get into them, not even spiders!), but I don't want to drive on wet, slick streets with all the crazy drivers who think that they don't have to drive any differently than on a dry day. Guess I'll save it for a non-rainy day.

I was also thinking I'd do some sculpture work, but then I remembered that I'd ALSO wanted to get a bunch of food cooked up for this coming week, and I can't do both. Food has to come first, or else we'll be eating peanut butter sandwiches and Ramen for the next 7 days. Not unusual for our household, by the way. Priorities, you know.

Uh-oh. Scaredy-dog wants to go out. I'll ignore her until she seems frantic. It seems cruel, but if she's only trying to trick me into taking her out, I'll stand out there with her for 20 minutes while she moseys around, sniffing and snuffling and looking at the sky. She's half Border Collie, neurotic as only they can be. Bores easily.

If she settles down, I'll know she was only fooling.

The girls went to the mall with their friends, so it's just me and the dogs.

I'm glad they (the girls, not the dogs) have friends to go places with, like the mall. "Malling." Whoever would have known it would become a verb? You don't need to buy anything-- you just dress up like you're actually going out, and walk around and look good and compare your bad self with all the other people your age. Then you come home and tell your mom all about it, because she really does want to hear about how skanky the other girls were.

And I'm glad they (the girls, not the dogs) have trustworthy friends. The kind you WANT your kids to hang with. This lets me stress about other important things, like whether or not my dog will really do her thing when I take her out, or if I'm doing this blog-thing the right way.

Maybe it's like meditation. Maybe there IS no right or wrong way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the wierd little sub-culture that is bloggyness.

- jules

6:20 PM  

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