Monday, October 23, 2006

Ok, I can put this up now

This is a huge card I painted for someone at work (9x12, so it could hold lots and lots of signatures). A friend asked if I could please do it because there was going to be a "We Think You're Great and We're Glad You Work Here" potluck party.

I said, "Of course!" because I've known this friend since even before I started working at our collective place of employment, and she has a really good sense of fun. She wears a tiara sometimes, just because. I love that.

Also, I'm glad "Mike" is there, too. (Can you see where I blotted out his real name to protect his privacy, and put in a fake one? He's a pretty private guy.) He's been through quite a few levels of hell lately, and was out for a couple of months having surgery, and now he's back and still in pain, but keeping his sense of humor.

So, a few people decided to throw him a potluck. What a wonderful thing to do!

Too bad our place is LOADED with people who never got past the high-school mentality. You would not BELIEVE the hard feelings it all caused. I guess because each of them didn't receive a hand-lettered, gilt-edged personal invitation, they felt excluded.

People! This was a potluck! (Even I didn't know what it was for-- his birthday? A bar mitzvah? What? I just made the card.) Potlucks are "come one, come all!!!" Word-of-mouth invites are plenty sufficient, no?

Did any of you ever read Jonathan Livingston Seagull? Well, I started to feel surrounded by the squawking, shrieking, pecking seagulls that gave poor Jonathan such a hard time.

Oh, well. Probably it was really only a large handful of people that made all the noises, but it felt like an army.

And poor "Mike." I wonder how he feels about it all? The potluck was a definite surprise for him, which is what it was supposed to be. Without all the griping. If it were me, I'd want to just curl up in a quiet corner and put a blanket over my head and be left alone. But that's how I feel a lot of the time, anyway, so my viewpoint might be a little bit slanted.

Lord, deliver me from teeny-tiny-minded, jealous people. And also from friends having a generous impulse unless I know the WHOLE story!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:54 PM  
Blogger Dave Wilker said...

I like mike, what's not to like? Mike's got an attitude, bordering on brattitude!

4:48 PM  

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