Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Creativity 101

Yeah. Ok. Fine. I haven't written/drawn anything in a while. Happy now?

I've been so up in the sky with so many ideas, each one leading to about 247 new ones, and each of THOSE leading to at least one more. I have to try out each one, experiment, see how it stands on its own, then with another one, then that other one with ANOTHER another one. My house looks like two tornados have gone through. Usually it only looks like ONE has gone through, but now it's two.

Every time I look up from what I'm doing, I see something else I wanna do. I see something else that might "work." So, I have to try it. Of course, I don't put anything away because I might have a spark happen, or something, and I'll need to be able to immediately pick up whatever and see what comes.

I've been staying up 'way too late every night, knowing I need to get up early the next day (so I'll have more day-- sleeping just takes away from the day, it seems), and then I sort of phase my way through the day, until I perk up around 10 pm.

I have an idea, and start working on it. I look at the clock and think, oh, I still have 45 minutes before I need to go to bed. Then, the next time I look at the clock it's an hour and a half later, and I just can't believe it. And I won't even have finished the idea I had.

People talk to me, and I don't hear them. My head is somewhere else, on another idea. Figuring what would be the best way to do something, how I might cut back on the time it takes to do something else, how to modify one thing so it can work with another thing.

What colors would go best together? What textures should I use? I need to go here, I need to go there. I need to go "treasure hunting" for wonderful found things. How can I make this color brighter? Should I go with a wash effect? Should I mute things down? I don't want to throw that tea box away, I can use it for something. I love the pattern on that tube of Wasabi, I need to get it down and adapt it-- I can USE that pattern!

My kids are getting annoyed. They're used to me jumping whenever they say something--and I haven't been hearing them at all. You know how you automatically start listening when someone talks to you? I truly haven't been hearing, because my brain isn't in my body. It's out there in space somewhere, twirling around with all the pictures and colors and sounds and ideas.

People have started asking me if I'm "okay." Yes! I'm fine! I'm just not here, that's all, and I apologize, thank you for caring. Truly. Please be patient, I'll touch back down eventually.

I've started writing here. I've started at least four different times, but each post just seemed so blahhh, boring. Or else I got distracted (gee, do ya' think?) because I'd have an idea, or realized I could do this, or that, and had to go try.

But I've actually finished this post. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my REAL work!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, that was fun.


6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here we go -> Creativity -100. We're counting down.

- M.

4:45 PM  

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