Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Heart Ruby

I'm considering getting that tattooed on my shoulder, or something, but if she ever found out, she'd feel so betrayed, so hurt. To think I've been in love with her all these years and never said anything about it!

No, Ruby dear, I'm not really in love with you. But I heart you, anyway! Besides, as you've so considerately pointed out, so many times, I'm too full of myself to ever be in love.

Anyway, I heart Ruby because she's one of the bestest, most wonderfullest people I've ever had enter my life. She's always been there, even when we were reallyreally pissed at each other because of her uncontrollable PMSing or my low blood sugar (which makes me act like I'm PMSing, but only briefly).

She's crazy and brave and sort of compassionate. A couple of weeks a month, she's a rock, full of wisdom and pragmatism and humor. I won't talk about the other couple of weeks.

I'm writing about her because of yesterday, which was a real day off, and because I've been in a down place because my house is such a mess. So I forced myself to start trudging through the clutter, throwing and tossing and folding. Doing things I kept putting off because they were a pain, like scrubbing under the bathtub, which is a clawfoot, and which I'm real good at ignoring.

However, I have a secret. I found out last week that I have a hole somewhere in the hose going to the gas tank in my car. Which means I create 1) a puddle when I gas up and 2) a really pissed-off gas station person. So, that means I have to be sneaky when I buy gas, until I can get the hose replaced. I have to find a gas station with islands so the gas station person's view of the gas dripping from under my car will be blocked, and the islands have to be situated far away from where the gas station person is so I won't get yelled at. Oh, and I have to fill up in the middle of the night when probably no one else will be there to rat me out. See how clever I am?

Last night (actually, early this morning) I went out at 2 am, and did that very thing. And how I got the courage to do it was by pretending I was Ruby, having one of her lifely misadventures. She's had a lot of 'em.

When I was done, after pushing the car backwards with one foot hanging out the door (it's a little car) so I wouldn't accidentally ignite the gas under my car with an errant spark and then driving away, I felt almost giddy. I'd had an adventure! And it was all thanks to Ruby, who doesn't even know about it yet.

I probably should call and tell her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruby's are great. I've had Rubys, larrys, toms, melissas, and then tom dicks and harrys.

We can only hope that they think the same when it matters.

11:43 PM  

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