Saturday, July 02, 2005


Yesterday's post was a result of a series of brain farts. The people who love me will understand. To those of you who consider yourselves above such mundane biological functions, I'm considering apologizing. When I finally make up my mind about it, I'll be sure to let you know.

In the meantime-- look what I finally did!

In order to draw the tree I mentioned in the last post, I needed to prep the page so I could make it come out the way I wanted. Well, I ended up losing control and prepping a few pages in a notebook, and never did the tree.

This is the first page I did. I found something out. See those purple splotches along the right side of the page? That's watercolor coming through from the other side of this first page. I think I've discovered I shouldn't use watercolor back-to-back, at least on paper this thin and smooth. Next time, gesso or acrylic.

But don't you love it? It's so pool-ish. And cheery. I love the fish. It's a stamp I got from a bin at Michael's, by Ellen Vener, of Village Arts Press. (There, no copyright problems. Thanks, Ellen!)

I've been meaning to do this artsy-fartsy thing for a long time, just couldn't get myself to possibly destroy such lovely, clean pages in a lovely, clean book. But this is an experimental kind of thing. I'll be learning lots of different results, what goes/doesn't go with what, how different types of ink come out with different kinds of bases.

I'll figure out what to do with the cover later. Meanwhile, I'll do my experiments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:19 AM  
Blogger pedalpower said...

I like! My sis preps all her pages with washes...she says it helps get rid of that "pristine page" fear....and she can get to writing and drawing easily if she preps the pages.

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just to let you know that village arts press owns the copyright to the fish image that you found in the bin at michaels.

ellen vener

1:58 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Thank you again, Ellen! I love your images-- they have tons of personality without being "busy"!

1:01 PM  

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