Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy September 1st!

I said I'd show what little bit of creative-ness I've been up to, so here it is:

This is the front of the most recent yearly calendar I made. Can you tell I made it around last Christmas? The cover is a squashed gift box, and I didn't want to trash the whole thing, so I made my calendar with it.

Here's this month:
Too bad you can't see all the sparklies-- I used a lot of gel pens in this. Maybe next month, but I doubt it. Sparkly just doesn't scan well.

This is a blank month, so far. Some of the info I'll be putting in isn't meant for public consumption.

Yippee! I get TWO DAYS OFF IN A ROW! Not just two days in the same week, but in a row!!! Don't know what I'll do with myself, but I'll think of something, that's for sure. As long as I don't have to drive too much. I'm pretty sick of driving, at the moment.


Blogger Deb said...

Hooray for two days in a row!! Thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog. I promise to get some knitting pictures up soon. Just survived my first day,oh my aching feet! I suspect the back is going to be none too happy either. But I will get used to it, right?? Please say right! Take care my friend.

11:21 AM  

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