Friday, October 05, 2007

Worked 54.64 Hours This Week

My supervisor and manager wanted me to work 10 hours AGAIN today, but I fooled 'em. I think. I only worked 9!

We were standing there, figuring out my clock-out time, and I kept counting on my fingers, saying, "6:30, 7:30, 8:30..." on up to 4:00, which kept coming up as 10 hours. But, see, I REALLY started working at 6:30, so I should have been starting my counting with "7:30". Except I couldn't bear the thought of working 10 today, when I have to work 10 again tomorrow.

Finally, my supervisor, who had been trying to figure my hours in his head, but kept being interrupted by me starting to count on my fingers again, said, "Okay, just go on home! Get in your car and drive!" So I skedaddled.

I'm sure they figured it out right after I left, but I was all clocked-out and gone. I was The Wind.

Oh. Cool thing-- one of the girls I worked with here in town before our workplace was shut down and we all were transferred hither and yon came and worked in my NEW place yesterday and Wednesday! It was so nice to see her and catch up on what she's been up to. And she's been in contact with people I haven't seen, and vice versa.

It was a little funny, though. She does the same type of work I do, has the same position in the town to where she was transferred, but not nearly the amount. She works her "The Store" mostly, with only a little of the physical-labor part of the job, because her place is tiny, and mine's sort of huge. So yesterday, when we were unloading and unloading and unloading some more, fast (because we have to-- people are waiting and can't do their jobs until we do ours), I called over to her, "Are you sweating yet?"

Because I'd been teasing her about never needing to sweat at her place.

She laughed and said, "Yeah, look and see!" Her poor little face was all flushed and beaded with sweat, and she had a little drop running down her cheek. She said, "I can't believe you do this every day, all day long!"

See? And tomorrow I get to do it for 10 hours. Again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, I worked 55.50 hours the last week of september (which was last week) and 51.75 hours the week before that. sucky huh. pays good though.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

My poor baby! What are those people doing to my beautiful child? How dare they do that to you? You go and tell them I'm not happy about how hard they're making you work! I mean it, go and tell them right now!

But, yeah, the money's pretty good.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

Who came to work with you,moi? Was it BB? I know her "store" is tiny and she was short of hours? Not sure who else went where so can't think of who else it might be. I guess you didn't sign up for SotS with the hours you are working, huh? Would still love to have you come over and hang out with us some time when you are in a crafty mood.

8:08 AM  
Blogger Val said...

What we need are rich patrons who would pay us to make ART rather than have to work our butts off at day jobs!

6:39 AM  

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